Products and services we use, have tried ourselves and can recommend for other business owners

Software & Services

We don’t recommend anything we haven’t first tried, continue to use and can recommend to other business owners. For all of these links, we first found the business, because we had a problem we needed solving, interviewed/researched 3-6 businesses and these won. Then only after working with them for 6+ months are we comfortable to recommend them. We get a commission when you purchase through any of these links, it helps us keep bringing you awesome content for free.


Accounting Provider - We use Osome and they have £100 off at the moment if you use this link, they are a dedicated e-commerce accountant, we looked everywhere and they are the only name in the game that do this at scale so you can rely on them from tiny to much larger.

Bank Account Provider - There are lots of banks out there, we recommend a broker who can help you look for the right bank - in this case Osome who will provide the right bank whether that is a large bank or a small one!

Company Secretary - We use Osome for this who provide our companies paper work really simply and easily. All for £12, which is the same price as if you did by yourself but without their guidance.

EU VAT Simply VAT - We use this service to automatically and correctly file our VAT returns on EU exports (something that now has to be done since brexit). Get £75 credit when you sign up through our link.


PR - Editorielle - The PR newsletter that has gotten us all our press success

Website - Shopify - We’ve been using shopify as our e-commerce website since 2018 and it’s the best in the business in our opinion! Super scalable and works with us as we grow Bare Kind. You can sign up here for a free trial and at the time of writing this they are offering 3 months for £1 a month on select plans.


Sales Management and Emailing - HubSpot CRM - We use this for all our B2B sales & email marketing

Inventory Management - Prediko - We have been happily using Prediko for our stock management system for the past few months and it has revolutionised the game for us. You can view our video on this software here.

Wholesale marketplace - Faire - By far the best out there and we’ve made over £200,000 in sales on there to date.


Email management - Sane Box - We’ve been using this AI to help clear up our inboxes, thousands of emails over the last couple of months have been filtered away from my eyes and I remain undistracted, it’s a game changer!

Information Management - Notion - Everything that is going on in our business and personal lives is being managed through notion, it has singled handedly changed the game for managing remote teams. We will do some videos on this soon and start sharing the templates we use so subscribe for updates on this!


Samsung Q2U Microphones - We did a lot of shopping around and landed on these microphones for a mid-range option when two people record in person

Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface - We use this to connect our mics to the laptop and then just use the free Garage Band app on Mac to record and edit

Boom Arms - Cheap and cheerful. The microphones come with table top stands but we found they weren’t enough to allow us to have a conversation and be close to the mic

Cable Tidies - We screw these cable tidies into the under side of our desk to keep all cables out of the way - working from home and podcasting creates a lot of messy cables otherwise!